In 2024 the prophecy will be fulfilled.



In the time before Creation, Light and Dark did battle in the Void without mind. And the conflict of spirits caused the making of matter, a crystal seed in the Void that in time would grow all the Worlds. And the Light struck upon the seed and broke unto the divine spectrum of one and twenty hues, and these became the great Powers of Heaven.

Of the Creation of the Worlds

The full host of CryptoAngels is split into 21 flights of 153 angels. Each flight is primarily affiliated with one of the 21 Archangels. The symbols on the shields of the CryptoAngels in each flight correspond with their primary Archangel's constellation. Each CryptoAngel also has a secondary affiliation with one of the Archangels. This secondary connection is denoted by the coloured background behind the Archangels and CryptoAngels. Below is an explanation of the symbolism and meaning behind the colours. 


Colour: Azure Blue
Constellation: Corvus


Colour: Ivory
Constellation: Centaurus

Archangel Camael - Trevor Jones
Enlightenment, Protection, Vitality

Bathed in the radiant glow of amber, seekers find enlightenment as they journey towards divine understanding, guided by its protective aura and invigorated by its vital energy. Its warm and luminous hue serves as a beacon of spiritual enlightenment, bridging the earthly and divine realms while radiating protection and healing energies.

Archangel Sachiel - The Dogecoin Family
Serenity, Cleansing, Harmony

Immersed in the tranquil embrace of aqua, souls experience spiritual cleansing and harmony, connecting deeply with the divine essence of renewal and serenity. Its serene brilliance evokes a sense of spiritual growth and interconnectedness, inviting seekers to embrace the healing power of divine grace amidst life's tumultuous waters..

Azure Blue 
Archangel Jophiel - batsoupyum
Tranquillity, Clarity, Peace

Gazing upon the peaceful expanse of azure blue, souls find tranquillity and clarity, transcending earthly worries and embracing the divine peace that permeates the celestial realm. Azure blue's ethereal beauty reflects the boundless expanse of the heavens, evoking a sense of cosmic wonder and spiritual serenity that guides seekers towards divine harmony and clarity.

Archangel Metatron - The Maine Mariner
Strength, Resilience, Perseverance

Steadfast like the strength of bronze, souls persevere through life's trials, fortified by resilience and guided by divine perseverance towards spiritual growth. Its enduring presence symbolizes the unwavering strength and steadfast resolve needed to overcome obstacles on the spiritual journey, inspiring seekers to embrace the transformative power of divine resilience and endurance.

Celestial Blue
Archangel Selaphiel - Cryptui
Ethereal, Cosmic, Transcendent

Entranced by the ethereal beauty of celestial blue, seekers are drawn into cosmic wonder, where abundance nurtures renewal and fosters spiritual growth in the divine embrace. Its luminous resonance speaks of an eternal flame, embodying the radiant energy of enlightenment and the celestial serenity that transcends earthly concerns, guiding souls towards divine harmony and clarity amidst the boundless expanse of the heavens.

Celestial Green 
Archangel Sandalphon - Bharat Krymo
Nurturing, Abundance, Renewal

Nurtured by the celestial green, souls thrive in abundance and renewal, basking in the nurturing embrace of the divine and experiencing profound spiritual growth. Its verdant hue symbolizes the regenerative power of nature and the abundant blessings that flow from the divine source, inviting seekers to embrace the transformative journey of spiritual renewal and flourishing in harmony with the cosmic rhythms of creation.

Archangel Sariel - ArtoftheFuture
Vitality, Connection, Harmony

Vibrant coral energizes the soul, fostering connections and harmony as seekers are enlivened by the sacred energy of life's interconnectedness. Its warm embrace evokes the vitality of spiritual renewal, inviting souls to immerse themselves in the vibrant energy of divine grace and experience the transformative power of connection and harmony in the sacred dance of creation.

Archangel Remiel - Jordan
Passion, Sacrifice, Redemption

In the passionate depths of crimson, souls discover sacrifice and redemption, fuelled by divine courage and the fiery vitality of love's transformative power. Its bold hue symbolizes the fervent intensity of spiritual devotion and the sacrificial love that transcends earthly limitations, inspiring seekers to embrace the transformative journey of spiritual redemption and divine empowerment.

Archangel Zadkiel - John Karp
Strength, Insight, Purity

In its luminous brilliance, diamond embodies purity and clarity, guiding souls towards spiritual transcendence. Its radiant hue symbolizes inner strength and divine insight, inspiring seekers to navigate their journey with determination. Like a prism reflecting the divine spectrum, diamond invites souls to embrace self-discovery amidst the cosmic tapestry.

Archangel Jeremiel - MYSTERIO
Growth, Healing, Abundance

Within the verdant depths of emerald, healing and abundance abound, nurturing growth and renewal as souls are enveloped by the divine essence of nature. Its lush and luxuriant hue symbolizes the regenerative power of spiritual healing and the abundant blessings that flow from the divine source, inviting seekers to embrace the transformative journey of spiritual growth and flourishing in harmony with the sacred rhythms of creation.

Archangel Michael - Moderats
Divine, Illumination, Majesty

Radiant gold embodies divine majesty, offering illumination to seekers who bask in its glory, finding spiritual richness and enlightenment in its sacred glow. Its opulent brilliance evokes a sense of divine royalty and celestial majesty, inspiring souls to embrace the transformative power of divine illumination and spiritual abundance amidst the radiant splendour of the heavenly realms.

Archangel Raziel - Mr.Spacely
Insight, Intuition, Wisdom

In the mystical hues of indigo, insight and intuition awaken, revealing the profound wisdom that guides souls towards spiritual enlightenment and inner peace. Its deep and mysterious hue symbolizes the infinite depths of spiritual insight and the profound connection between the earthly and celestial realms, inviting seekers to embrace the transformative power of divine wisdom and inner knowing in the sacred journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening.

Archangel Uriel - Raj71.eth
Tranquillity, Timeless, Divine

Tranquil ivory hues evoke timeless serenity, inviting seekers to commune with the divine in moments of quiet contemplation and experience the purity of the divine essence. Its elegant simplicity reflects the timeless grace of the divine presence and the sacred serenity that transcends all earthly concerns, guiding souls towards spiritual enlightenment and inner peace in the gentle embrace of divine love.

Archangel Peniel - Nick
Spiritual, Healing, Grace

Lavender's spiritual essence offers healing and grace, enveloping souls in a soothing embrace that brings spiritual renewal and divine tranquillity. Its calming fragrance evokes a sense of divine presence and sacred healing, inviting seekers to release all burdens and surrender to the infinite wisdom and grace of the divine essence.

Archangel Raphel - Blondie23LMD
Purity, Wisdom, Elegance

Pure as the luminous pearl, souls find wisdom and elegance, basking in the timeless grace of divine purity and enlightenment. Its luminescent beauty reflects the divine radiance of spiritual enlightenment and the sacred elegance that transcends all earthly concerns, guiding seekers towards spiritual wisdom and inner peace in the gentle embrace of divine grace.

Rose Gold 
Archangel Barachiel - 1confirmation
Love, Harmony, Elegance

Love's harmonious radiance shines in rose gold, offering souls a glimpse of divine harmony and elegance, as they are enveloped by the sacred energy of love's eternal embrace. Its delicate hue symbolizes the divine essence of love and the sacred beauty that flows from the heart of the universe, inspiring souls to embrace the transformative power of divine love and experience the profound healing and grace that radiate from the depths of the soul.

Ruby Red 
Archangel Azrael - Basileus
Passion, Vitality, Courage

In the fiery depths of ruby red, passion ignites courage and vitality, empowering souls to embrace their divine purpose with unwavering resolve and spiritual fervour. Its bold and vibrant hue symbolizes the fiery intensity of spiritual passion and the transformative power of divine courage, inspiring seekers to embark on the sacred journey of self-discovery and spiritual empowerment with unwavering faith and determination.

Archangel Gabriel - Schmrypto
Clarity, Reflection, Purification

Reflective silver brings clarity and purification, as souls gaze upon its shimmering surface, finding spiritual reflection and divine guidance in its radiant glow. Its luminous brilliance symbolizes the divine clarity of spiritual insight and the sacred purification that flows from the heart of the divine presence, guiding seekers towards spiritual enlightenment and inner peace amidst the boundless expanse of the heavens.

Archangel Raguel - WCC
Groundedness, Stability, Balance

Grounded in earthly stability, tan offers balance and stability, guiding souls towards spiritual growth and harmony amidst the ebb and flow of life's challenges. Its warm and earthy hue symbolizes the divine stability of spiritual grounding and the sacred balance that flows from the heart of the universe, inspiring seekers to embrace the transformative journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening with grace and resilience.

Archangel Chamuel - HARDART
Healing, Protection, Spirituality

Turquoise's healing embrace offers protection and spirituality, as souls are enfolded in its tranquil energy, finding solace and renewal in the sacred waters of divine grace. Its soothing hue symbolizes the regenerative power of spiritual healing and the transformative energy of divine protection, inspiring seekers to embrace the transformative journey of spiritual growth and renewal in the gentle embrace of divine love.

Archangel Phanuel - NorCal_Guy
Purity, Enlightenment, Peace

Pure as the driven snow, white embodies enlightenment and peace, enveloping souls in the divine purity and serenity that transcends all earthly concerns. Its pristine brilliance reflects the eternal radiance of the divine presence, guiding seekers towards spiritual clarity and inner peace amidst the boundless expanse of the heavens.